Thursday, February 23, 2012

(Written a few months ago)

I recently read a post asking what we're afraid of, if same-sex marriage becomes legalized. The post told me to consider the answer i gave and ask myself if i truly believed what i had come up with.

It got me thinking.

I know that not much will change on the outside.

There will always be gay couples (whether gay marriage is legalized or not) and i know they don't go about flaunting it.

I'm not afraid that our cities will be crawling with homosexuals trying to take over the world. (dramatized, i know, but many people are afraid of just that)

I'm not afraid of what what will change because the truth is- almost nothing would change.

It's the principal of the thing that will change.

It's the turning of our backs on God.

This world is already on a straight road to hell as it is, why help it along by legalizing something that so clearly hurts God's heart.

It would be one of those changes no one notices. And if they do, it won't be until years from now when they wonder how we got to where we did.

The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is wrong.

Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." (NIV)

(among other verses scattered throughout the Bible) I must clarify that I DO NOT HATE GAY PEOPLE. I try my best to love them where they're at and not to judge them. (although i am by no means perfect.) I believe that they should be given equal rights but i would not go as far as saying i'm a gay rights supporter, (although i technically am,) because most gay supporters i know, don't think being gay is a sin. They think that homosexual marriage should be legalized and that it should just be a normal thing. They think it's okay. I don't. (For above Biblical reasons) I also should clarify that i don't hate gay rights supporters. There's nothing wrong with treating humans like any other human. In fact, i strongly encourage it. Someone should not be declined a life, a job, etc. solely due to their sexual orientation. We've had (and still struggle with) this issue with skin color, it's sad to see that we haven't learned our lesson by now. But i do draw the line at gay-marriage. I won't fight people on what i believe. I will say what i feel if asked, and i will disagree aloud if i feel called to do so, but i refuse to fight about it because they can't change my mind, and i can't change theirs. "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still."

Sure, i'm still learning about the world around me (including homosexuality) and i'm still developing an opinion to some degree, but i just can't be okay with something that breaks my daddy's heart.

I believe i've gone off on a tangent, because when i feel strongly about something, i tend to go all over the place. If this post makes sense, I hope i've given you something to chew on (whether you agree with me or not,) If it does not make sense, i apologize.

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