Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Rant And A Need For Change.

Man, teenagers today are so fickle.

End of November they look for any excuse to get out of school and the talk of summer vacation starts shortly after Christmas break. But come about halfway through August (and sometimes July) they all go on and on about missing school and "I'm actually looking forward to it" and "I just can't wait".

Now i'm not excluding myself from this because i have been very guilty of it nearly every year when i was in school.

It just amazes me how much we take for granted.

School, as an example. A lot of kids around the world either can't afford school or there simply isn't one around. Kids all over the world are fighting for a chance to go to school and we think of it as torture. Or worse, a social scene specifically designed to make our social lives better and our weekends more exciting.

North American teenagers are truly spoiled.

We take God for granted when you can be tortured and killed for being a Christian in a lot of Eastern countries.

As i said before we take school for granted.

We take books, the internet and learning for granted.

We take clean water, warm beds, a roof over our heads, and just having food in the house for granted.

We take our parents and our health for granted.

We take everything for granted.

We get so angry that someone got our brand new outfit dirty.

A lot of people wear the same thing every day, year after year, because they cannot afford anything more.

We open the cupboard and the fridge, see nothing that appeals to us and say "there's nothing to eat". Our meal is an hour late and we claim we're starving. We stay in the shower for 45 minutes and complain that we ran out of hot water when a lot of people would be so thankful for a cold shower lasting a fraction of that time. Our parents kiss us goodbye and we get angry and embarrassed. They tell us what to do and we get frustrated when so many people out there don't have there parents anymore. We get fat (usually of our own doing) off junk food and then complain that we need to loose weight when little kids in Africa and around the world are literally skin and bones and eat miniscule amounts maybe once a day. We complain about needing braces or glasses when people around the world would just be happy to not be blind or to actually have teeth. We waste hours upon hours watching television and surfing the internet. We complain about not getting invited to parties and cry over the stupidest things imaginable. We strive to have the most friends and the best times. We complain about our lives because the boy we like is sending mixed signals (or doesn't like us back) or one of our friends told everyone we like that guy in that class when millions of people suffer far worse things IN SILENCE. We complain that we are fat when we are of a healthy weight. Many people would LOVE to be that weight. It would mean that they were not malnourished.

We take toothpaste and soap for granted.

We waste hundreds of dollars of food and water each.

We take for granted everything we have.

We ignore God until we need him or until it's "convenient".

We only care about ourselves.

We are spoiled little rich kids who throw fits when we don't get the EXACT toy we want for christmas.

We are spoiled horribly rotten.

I am guilty of this. You are guilty of this. We are all guilty of this.

We must own what we've done, who we've become.

We must change.

I for one am sick of what we have become and try my best not to fall into the same patterns and routines. (Although i am far from perfect and would never even attempt to appear so)

My goal: Don't take anyTHING anyONE any FREEDOM or any SECOND for granted.

And above all, don't take God for granted.

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