Thursday, February 23, 2012


Here i go off on a another controversial topic... ( i find myself thinking on subjects like this quite a lot)

Playing with fire? Maybe. But its my opinion.... and my blog. :)

And the topic issss *drum roll*


Now being a girl myself, i am ALL for women's rights.

But i wouldn't go as far as to call myself a feminist.

(That word alone just sounds so entitled to me.)

Why? Because i find feminists to be far too extreme.

(Not to mention a lot of feminists are pro-abortion, but that's another topic.)

Yes, girls should be able to vote, and have whatever job they choose and they should be able to go to whatever school they want. We are not to be stepped on and used. We are not to be won, trampled or bought.

My issue with feminism is the extremity. These women claim that chivalry is dead and that guys don't do enough for us. But when a guy goes out of his way to say, open a door, they get all hot under the collar about how they should be treated equal to men and blah blah blah. THEY kill chivalry. Yes, some men are clueless or rude, but stepping on chivalry with your shiny stiletto doesn't help anyone.

We are women, we were CREATED to help men. We were made to be HELPERS. We were created to walk with men and help them take care of this earth. (and frankly ALL humans suck at that- male or female.)

What i'm trying to say, is that you are not superwoman. You are not expected to be. It was never meant to be that way.

When women step up and take the man's role (whether in a family, a work area or a relationship) we ENABLE men to be lazy. We enable them to trample us, to expect too much of us, to do nothing and treat us horribly.

In the ideal world (aka the garden of eden) men take care of the earth, the animals and everything else, and we walk beside him to love him and help him do what he does.

It's the way it was made to be. No matter how offended girls may get, they were MADE to HELP. Not to lead. I'm not saying we're weak. I'm not saying we can't do anything. I'm not saying we should stay home and do laundry and cook all day.

I think the problem is that women are trying so hard not to be stepped on, that they go to the opposite extreme. Neither extreme is good, or healthy for relationships.

We need to find a happy medium.

So when guys (or even other girls) hear the word "feminism" or meet someone describing herself as a "feminist" they don't cringe and run the other way.

Feminism, in my opinion, should mean fighting for women's safety, health, and the right to have a job, vote, go to school and be someone in the world, while still acknowledging that we are created to HELP.

Not step on men as they have done to us in the past. Not to take over and do everything for them. (After all, if women had remained helpers we wouldn't be dealing with generations and generations of men that are lazy, cruel, and raised in the belief that women are objects, and/or wicked dictators.)

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