Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Third Of A Generation- GONE.

1/3 of our generation never made it past the womb.

An entire third of our generation was ABORTED.

I find it mind blowing when people have no problem with abortion.

Just because you don't want the baby, does not give you the right to kill it.

People go on about "it's the mother's right, it's her body".

What about the baby's right? to live.

What about the baby's body? that you're going to inject with poisons.

'The unborn baby has human rights regardless of his mother’s opinion.'

You say it's the mother's choice.

It was the mother's choice in taking the path that landed her pregnant.

Now the only choice she gets is to give the baby up for adoption or raise it herself.

But what if it was rape?

1% of abortions are because of rape.

99% of that one-third of a generation was MURDERED because their mother's didn't want them.

And the babies had no say.

In the case of rape. They decide to kill the innocent one. The only one who had no part in it. Who had no idea what happened.

Some say a baby is not human before it is born.

The Bible says "Then God said, 'Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.' And it was so."

That baby is made of two human cells, it is growing in a human body, being formed to be a fully developed human.

So unless you've found a way to give birth to a kangaroo. That baby is human from the moment it is conceived.

there is no possible way, it could be anything BUT human.

And the guilt. The guilt after you've killed something that was not meant to be killed. It must be far worse than simply giving birth and giving the child up for adoption.

"Consider this: once you go through with it, there’s no turning back. But if you have the kid anyway, you can always turn back." (source: internet.)

People are always complaining about "if i could do this over." or "if i had another chance" or "if i could do it over differently i would."

Would you like to live with knowing that you killed a COMPLETE innocent selfishly and that you can't undo it?

We have to be the voice for those who don't yet have one of their own.

Watch this:

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