Saturday, February 25, 2012

I believe non-Christians can tell there's a difference. They might not get it at first, but they'll know. I want them to see Jesus in me. So that they see that it's not all just talk. It's not just rules being shoved down your throat. (Act like this. Talk like this. Wear this. Smile like this. Show up to church on time and sing like you mean it. )

But that it's LOVE. And that being a Christian actually affects your life for the better. You sing like you mean it because you DO mean it. You smile because you're HAPPY because God has done so much for you.

I do my best to live out love and not look down on them. So they can see the difference in my life. I try my best to "practice what i preach". If all i ever do is tell them everything they've already heard, or preach at them or pray at them. What does that do but make them believe that i won't love them unless they are the same as me? I don't want that. Because it's not true. Love the sinner hate the sin.

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