Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thoughts that enter my brain when i should be going to bed. Part two.


^ That got your attention. Whatever the reason. Whether you support gays, are gay, think being gay is okay, think they're the devils spawn, whatever your thoughts on the subject, you paused.

Homosexuality is a raging debate pretty much anywhere you go.

I feel bad for all the homosexuals who feel that Christians hate them.

Im a Christian. I don't hate gay people.

Now, i don't think gay is okay. I think it's a sin. I think you can be healed of it.

But the term "hate the sin, love the sinner" is often not thought of.

Granted, the Christian population that hates gays, is a small minority.

They just happen to be a very LOUD minority.

A friend of mine worked in H&M a few years back and one of her co-workers was gay. He was shocked to realize that she, being a Christian, DIDN'T hate him.

I do not like that stereo type. I refuse to be labeled like that. I believe we should love people where they are, on the way to where they're going.


How on earth do we plan to do what we we're supposed to do (win souls to heaven) if we hate people who sin? HOW DOES THAT WORK?

Jesus hung out with hypocrites, hookers, druggies, thieves, etc etc.

Now i'm not saying become best friends and soul mates with every sinner you know (you become like those you hang out with-- you know the whole bad company corrupts thing,) but don't avoid them. Befriend them. Hangout every now and then. SHOW THEM GOD'S LOVE. After all, you aren't perfect either.

Now that does not mean i support gay marriage or want to see a gay or lesbian kiss on my computer or television screen. It simply means i will love that person, no matter their sin, and pray for them. I think they should have basic human rights, like everyone else in this country. Just because their sin is the obvious one does not mean that they can get turned down for a job due to their sexuality. You don't turn a man down for a job because he cheated on his wife or because he lied to his wife about working late so he could watch the game.

Why is it that the most obvious sins are the ones we choose to punish so unfairly when all sin is the same. It is very simply SIN.

God HATES sin. But he loves US fiercely.

If we ask. He will forgive us. He will change us. He will make us a new creation in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

So stop the hate. Stop the abuse. Stop the sneers, looks and bullying.

No matter their sin, you will still be responsible to GOD for hitting them, bullying them, or whatever else you may have done.

If you hate someone because they're gay, God will be disappointed. He will be saddened. We are supposed to HELP people come to Jesus. Not push them in the opposite direction.

Side note:

Even ignoring the typical Leviticus 18:22 argument - "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable." (which usually leads to protest , based on the fact that some of the Leviticus rules we don't use anymore- such as stoning an adulteress)

- let's get very basic. It's not natural to be gay. Think about it. In Genesis 1 verse 28, God said “Be fruitful and increase in number". He says it AGAIN in Genesis 8 verse 17 when he tells Noah, his family and the animals to "multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it." In my opinion, if being gay was natural and OK, there would be a way for men to have babies with men, and women to have babies with women. Without need of adoption, surgery, surrogate mothers or some strange science experiment. There would be a way for them to be fruitful and fill the earth NATURALLY.

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