Thursday, February 23, 2012

From the old archives : A Box

God can do such amazing things if we just give him some room to move.

It's sad really, most people put God in a little box in the corner, saying "God can't do that." or "Maybe then, but that's not for today." They sit on top of that box and in hard times cry out for God to move. Well how can he move if you don't let him? Just give him a little room. He'll do the rest. He doesn't need a lot. He can work with an inch until you're ready to give him a mile.

A friend once doubted things God had been doing in my cousin's life. My cousin asked "Are you trying to keep God in a box ___ ?" All he could do was stare. Most people write off things they don't understand as 'evil' or 'coincidence' or just don't believe it, thinking you're lying. It makes me sad because there is so much God could do, and he could improve their lives so much, if they would just open the box.

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