Thursday, February 23, 2012

From the old archives : I Wonder....

I wonder what it's like for our parents...

the flashbacks i mean, when they remember when we were little.

After hugging my dad goodnight today he randomly said

"i remember when you guys were little..."

It got me thinking...

i'd guess it makes them feel older and that time has flown by, and miss the old days...

i remember when my sister and i were younger,

we shared a room,

and my dad would read us Hardy Boys books before bed....

a chapter every night...

and you know the Hardy Boys...

it can't be just have an ending....

the ending of a chapter was nearly always a cliffhanger...

we'd beg and plead for just

"one more chapter" ...

dad would glance at the clock and flip through the pages to see if we had time for one more... some nights it was

"welll, okay..."

and other's it was

"it's too long to read tonight." ...

i was about 13 when he stopped reading to us...

beth and i started going to bed at different times, and we moved to a new house and we never really started the habit up again...

i began to read the Hardy Boys books by myself ...

now it feels so long ago...

i wonder if it feels that long ago to him...............

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