Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thoughts that enter my brain when i should be going to bed. Part one.

I find it interesting how two people from the same religion can have two different thoughts.

I mean, two Christians, one thinking healing is a thing of the past, only for Bible times, and the other thinking it's for today, for our generation and God can heal people whenever ever he likes, whenever they ask him for it.

Even a topic as thought provoking and sometimes controversial as being slain in the spirit. Some think it's of the devil. Some think it is what it is - falling into the Holy Spirit. (The Slain in the Spirit thought is a whole other topic that i'll probably talk about later.)

It's a sad thing, because these thoughts often lead to a religious debate on who's right and who's wrong. But isn't the fact that they're both going to heaven enough? If you're born again, you're going to heaven when you die. No matter what you think here on earth. Yes, thoughts like healing being a thing of the past can hinder you. It can stop you from completing your purpose here on earth and can lead to a lot of learning when you get to heaven (although there will be a lot of learning either way). But we're a family. God's family. Why argue amongst ourselves over what God wants? (although, if you're going to, say, get married and raise a family, you should have similar thoughts as not to cause friction between you two and confusion in your children)

We should be loving one another, and preaching the TRUTH (based on the Bible) in love. So if i thought a fellow Christian was wrong and the topic came up, i would kindly say what i think, and why i think it. Same as i would with anyone else- Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, Agnostic, etc. etc. etc.

My question is, though, when did the world get so messed up, that the basic promises from God are being questioned or doubted by his own people?

God CLEARLY says, in Psalm 91, that he will protect us NO MATTER WHAT.

He said in Isaiah 53 that he DIED so that we could be HEALED.

He promised JOY

He promised HEALING

He promised PROTECTION

He's made so many promises. He never ONCE said "i will heal you... until i don't want to anymore."

Of course with that you get the subject of God's will.

He WANTS to heal us. To save us. To be with us. If he didn't love us and want to do these nice things for us and be with us, he wouldn't have bothered to create us in the first place. Because he is God. He saw everything that would happen, everything that WILL happen. All before he even STARTED to create earth and everything and everyone in it. He KNEW we would screw up, but he gave us free choice. He KNEW we would reject him, and kill his ONLY son, but he sent him anyway. If he was going to punish us by making us sick or killing us or something like that, he wouldn't have bothered. And he wouldn't have bothered saving Noah and his family on the ark. He would have wiped us all out and left it at that.

Thats my opinion anyway.

WE are the ones that messed everything up, but that doesn't mean God won't save us if we ask. He won't punish us or ignore us.

He doesn't make bad things happen, he doesn't make you sick or kill you as punishment for something.

Humans are the problem. God is the solution.

We ASK and we shall receive.

So let's stop arguing God's will amongst ourselves, and ask GOD what he wants us to do, think, believe and be.

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