Thursday, February 23, 2012

From the old archives : Grandma

My grandma. I miss her.

I miss her hugs and her grilled cheese.

Her constant supply of pickles.

Her sense of humor.

Her strength.

Her stuffing.

Her way of putting everyone ahead of herself.

Her way of not telling us something until later so she doesn't ruin our fun.

All the times me and my sister and Matt and Erica would stay at her house for the weekend.

All the times when i was little and we'd visit her at work.

Her constant wondering how i keep getting so tall.

Her love of her family and friends.

The look on her face when she was surprised.

The look on her face when us grandkids walked in the door.

The look of gratitude when we did something for her that she couldn't do for herself any more.

Her relationship with my mom.

They way she made grandpa smile.

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