Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If only personality mattered more in today's society....

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm itching for summer.

For green.

For color.

For warmth.

For more photographic opportunities than winter offers.

Sure, ice and snow are beautiful.

Especially when the sunshine hits it just right.

But the sun doesn't always shine- it's overcast a lot.

And i can only take so many pictures of it before it all looks the same.

And the dreary weather lasts for so long...

I cant wait until the trees are full and green with the sun shining through the leaves- creating beautiful bokeh.

I can't wait for the lawn to be full and dry.

I can't wait for the birds to come back.

And i will regret saying it - but i miss the bugs.

I miss their sounds as they fly around in the trees.

I miss sleeping with the fan on and the window open.

I miss hearing night sounds- like cicadas, traffic and sometimes frogs.

I can't wait for the flowers to be in bloom and to go places without bundling in fifty layers.

I get impatient with winter after January.

I just want the color back.

I believe non-Christians can tell there's a difference. They might not get it at first, but they'll know. I want them to see Jesus in me. So that they see that it's not all just talk. It's not just rules being shoved down your throat. (Act like this. Talk like this. Wear this. Smile like this. Show up to church on time and sing like you mean it. )

But that it's LOVE. And that being a Christian actually affects your life for the better. You sing like you mean it because you DO mean it. You smile because you're HAPPY because God has done so much for you.

I do my best to live out love and not look down on them. So they can see the difference in my life. I try my best to "practice what i preach". If all i ever do is tell them everything they've already heard, or preach at them or pray at them. What does that do but make them believe that i won't love them unless they are the same as me? I don't want that. Because it's not true. Love the sinner hate the sin.

“When my daughter was a toddler, I used to take her to a park not far from our apartment. One day as she was playing in a sandbox, an ice-cream salesman approached us. I purchased her a treat, and when I turned to give it to her, I saw her mouth was full of sand. Where I had intended to put a delicacy, she had put dirt.

Did I love her with dirt in her mouth? Absolutely. Was she any less of my daughter with dirt in her mouth? Of course not. Was I going to allow her to keep the dirt in her mouth? No way. I loved her right where she was, but I refused to leave her there. I carried her over to the water fountain and washed out her mouth. Why? Because I love her.

God does the same for us. He holds us over the fountain. “Spit out the dirt, honey,” our Father urges. “I’ve got something better for you.” And so he cleanses us of filth; immorality, dishonesty, prejudice, bitterness, greed. We don’t enjoy the cleansing; sometimes we even opt for the dirt over the ice cream. “I can eat dirt if I want to!” we pout and proclaim. Which is true—we can. But if we do, the loss is ours. God has a better offer.”

Max Lucado (Just Like Jesus)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thoughts that enter my brain when i should be going to bed. Part two.


^ That got your attention. Whatever the reason. Whether you support gays, are gay, think being gay is okay, think they're the devils spawn, whatever your thoughts on the subject, you paused.

Homosexuality is a raging debate pretty much anywhere you go.

I feel bad for all the homosexuals who feel that Christians hate them.

Im a Christian. I don't hate gay people.

Now, i don't think gay is okay. I think it's a sin. I think you can be healed of it.

But the term "hate the sin, love the sinner" is often not thought of.

Granted, the Christian population that hates gays, is a small minority.

They just happen to be a very LOUD minority.

A friend of mine worked in H&M a few years back and one of her co-workers was gay. He was shocked to realize that she, being a Christian, DIDN'T hate him.

I do not like that stereo type. I refuse to be labeled like that. I believe we should love people where they are, on the way to where they're going.


How on earth do we plan to do what we we're supposed to do (win souls to heaven) if we hate people who sin? HOW DOES THAT WORK?

Jesus hung out with hypocrites, hookers, druggies, thieves, etc etc.

Now i'm not saying become best friends and soul mates with every sinner you know (you become like those you hang out with-- you know the whole bad company corrupts thing,) but don't avoid them. Befriend them. Hangout every now and then. SHOW THEM GOD'S LOVE. After all, you aren't perfect either.

Now that does not mean i support gay marriage or want to see a gay or lesbian kiss on my computer or television screen. It simply means i will love that person, no matter their sin, and pray for them. I think they should have basic human rights, like everyone else in this country. Just because their sin is the obvious one does not mean that they can get turned down for a job due to their sexuality. You don't turn a man down for a job because he cheated on his wife or because he lied to his wife about working late so he could watch the game.

Why is it that the most obvious sins are the ones we choose to punish so unfairly when all sin is the same. It is very simply SIN.

God HATES sin. But he loves US fiercely.

If we ask. He will forgive us. He will change us. He will make us a new creation in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

So stop the hate. Stop the abuse. Stop the sneers, looks and bullying.

No matter their sin, you will still be responsible to GOD for hitting them, bullying them, or whatever else you may have done.

If you hate someone because they're gay, God will be disappointed. He will be saddened. We are supposed to HELP people come to Jesus. Not push them in the opposite direction.

Side note:

Even ignoring the typical Leviticus 18:22 argument - "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable." (which usually leads to protest , based on the fact that some of the Leviticus rules we don't use anymore- such as stoning an adulteress)

- let's get very basic. It's not natural to be gay. Think about it. In Genesis 1 verse 28, God said “Be fruitful and increase in number". He says it AGAIN in Genesis 8 verse 17 when he tells Noah, his family and the animals to "multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it." In my opinion, if being gay was natural and OK, there would be a way for men to have babies with men, and women to have babies with women. Without need of adoption, surgery, surrogate mothers or some strange science experiment. There would be a way for them to be fruitful and fill the earth NATURALLY.

Thoughts that enter my brain when i should be going to bed. Part one.

I find it interesting how two people from the same religion can have two different thoughts.

I mean, two Christians, one thinking healing is a thing of the past, only for Bible times, and the other thinking it's for today, for our generation and God can heal people whenever ever he likes, whenever they ask him for it.

Even a topic as thought provoking and sometimes controversial as being slain in the spirit. Some think it's of the devil. Some think it is what it is - falling into the Holy Spirit. (The Slain in the Spirit thought is a whole other topic that i'll probably talk about later.)

It's a sad thing, because these thoughts often lead to a religious debate on who's right and who's wrong. But isn't the fact that they're both going to heaven enough? If you're born again, you're going to heaven when you die. No matter what you think here on earth. Yes, thoughts like healing being a thing of the past can hinder you. It can stop you from completing your purpose here on earth and can lead to a lot of learning when you get to heaven (although there will be a lot of learning either way). But we're a family. God's family. Why argue amongst ourselves over what God wants? (although, if you're going to, say, get married and raise a family, you should have similar thoughts as not to cause friction between you two and confusion in your children)

We should be loving one another, and preaching the TRUTH (based on the Bible) in love. So if i thought a fellow Christian was wrong and the topic came up, i would kindly say what i think, and why i think it. Same as i would with anyone else- Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, Agnostic, etc. etc. etc.

My question is, though, when did the world get so messed up, that the basic promises from God are being questioned or doubted by his own people?

God CLEARLY says, in Psalm 91, that he will protect us NO MATTER WHAT.

He said in Isaiah 53 that he DIED so that we could be HEALED.

He promised JOY

He promised HEALING

He promised PROTECTION

He's made so many promises. He never ONCE said "i will heal you... until i don't want to anymore."

Of course with that you get the subject of God's will.

He WANTS to heal us. To save us. To be with us. If he didn't love us and want to do these nice things for us and be with us, he wouldn't have bothered to create us in the first place. Because he is God. He saw everything that would happen, everything that WILL happen. All before he even STARTED to create earth and everything and everyone in it. He KNEW we would screw up, but he gave us free choice. He KNEW we would reject him, and kill his ONLY son, but he sent him anyway. If he was going to punish us by making us sick or killing us or something like that, he wouldn't have bothered. And he wouldn't have bothered saving Noah and his family on the ark. He would have wiped us all out and left it at that.

Thats my opinion anyway.

WE are the ones that messed everything up, but that doesn't mean God won't save us if we ask. He won't punish us or ignore us.

He doesn't make bad things happen, he doesn't make you sick or kill you as punishment for something.

Humans are the problem. God is the solution.

We ASK and we shall receive.

So let's stop arguing God's will amongst ourselves, and ask GOD what he wants us to do, think, believe and be.


Here i go off on a another controversial topic... ( i find myself thinking on subjects like this quite a lot)

Playing with fire? Maybe. But its my opinion.... and my blog. :)

And the topic issss *drum roll*


Now being a girl myself, i am ALL for women's rights.

But i wouldn't go as far as to call myself a feminist.

(That word alone just sounds so entitled to me.)

Why? Because i find feminists to be far too extreme.

(Not to mention a lot of feminists are pro-abortion, but that's another topic.)

Yes, girls should be able to vote, and have whatever job they choose and they should be able to go to whatever school they want. We are not to be stepped on and used. We are not to be won, trampled or bought.

My issue with feminism is the extremity. These women claim that chivalry is dead and that guys don't do enough for us. But when a guy goes out of his way to say, open a door, they get all hot under the collar about how they should be treated equal to men and blah blah blah. THEY kill chivalry. Yes, some men are clueless or rude, but stepping on chivalry with your shiny stiletto doesn't help anyone.

We are women, we were CREATED to help men. We were made to be HELPERS. We were created to walk with men and help them take care of this earth. (and frankly ALL humans suck at that- male or female.)

What i'm trying to say, is that you are not superwoman. You are not expected to be. It was never meant to be that way.

When women step up and take the man's role (whether in a family, a work area or a relationship) we ENABLE men to be lazy. We enable them to trample us, to expect too much of us, to do nothing and treat us horribly.

In the ideal world (aka the garden of eden) men take care of the earth, the animals and everything else, and we walk beside him to love him and help him do what he does.

It's the way it was made to be. No matter how offended girls may get, they were MADE to HELP. Not to lead. I'm not saying we're weak. I'm not saying we can't do anything. I'm not saying we should stay home and do laundry and cook all day.

I think the problem is that women are trying so hard not to be stepped on, that they go to the opposite extreme. Neither extreme is good, or healthy for relationships.

We need to find a happy medium.

So when guys (or even other girls) hear the word "feminism" or meet someone describing herself as a "feminist" they don't cringe and run the other way.

Feminism, in my opinion, should mean fighting for women's safety, health, and the right to have a job, vote, go to school and be someone in the world, while still acknowledging that we are created to HELP.

Not step on men as they have done to us in the past. Not to take over and do everything for them. (After all, if women had remained helpers we wouldn't be dealing with generations and generations of men that are lazy, cruel, and raised in the belief that women are objects, and/or wicked dictators.)

From the old archives : Living.


To me, it means spending time with the ones you love, doing things you love, and laughing until you're crying.

It's doing nothing and having a blast doing it.

Doing everything you do to the best of your ability simply because you are.

It's daring to feel, daring to try things that excite you, loving God with everything in you until you feel like you'll burst.

It's the chills you get when music gets into you.

Living isn't just doing things to say you did them, or doing things to please others.

Living is you doing things for God and for yourself.

It's having fun and smiling until your cheeks hurt.

It's being yourself and not letting anyone tell you otherwise.

Living is doing things that make you happy for the one that gave you life.

It's taking the time to notice nature and embrace the warm sun.

It's walking barefoot to push your toes into the dirt and grass.

To feel the water around your ankles and spraying into your face.

Living your life is being able to see an old picture and remember the entire day like it was yesterday.

It's smiling for no reason.

Smiling and remembering every day.

It's being endlessly and indescribably in love with God.

It's being happy because you deserve to be.

It's being so happy just knowing God loves you and will get you through the storms.

It's looking forward to seeing someone simply because you like to be together.

It's just being and feeling like you've had the best day ever.

Living is very simply enjoying every second of this small time called life because God wants you to be happy.

From the old archives : A Box

God can do such amazing things if we just give him some room to move.

It's sad really, most people put God in a little box in the corner, saying "God can't do that." or "Maybe then, but that's not for today." They sit on top of that box and in hard times cry out for God to move. Well how can he move if you don't let him? Just give him a little room. He'll do the rest. He doesn't need a lot. He can work with an inch until you're ready to give him a mile.

A friend once doubted things God had been doing in my cousin's life. My cousin asked "Are you trying to keep God in a box ___ ?" All he could do was stare. Most people write off things they don't understand as 'evil' or 'coincidence' or just don't believe it, thinking you're lying. It makes me sad because there is so much God could do, and he could improve their lives so much, if they would just open the box.

From the old archives : I Wonder....

I wonder what it's like for our parents...

the flashbacks i mean, when they remember when we were little.

After hugging my dad goodnight today he randomly said

"i remember when you guys were little..."

It got me thinking...

i'd guess it makes them feel older and that time has flown by, and miss the old days...

i remember when my sister and i were younger,

we shared a room,

and my dad would read us Hardy Boys books before bed....

a chapter every night...

and you know the Hardy Boys...

it can't be just have an ending....

the ending of a chapter was nearly always a cliffhanger...

we'd beg and plead for just

"one more chapter" ...

dad would glance at the clock and flip through the pages to see if we had time for one more... some nights it was

"welll, okay..."

and other's it was

"it's too long to read tonight." ...

i was about 13 when he stopped reading to us...

beth and i started going to bed at different times, and we moved to a new house and we never really started the habit up again...

i began to read the Hardy Boys books by myself ...

now it feels so long ago...

i wonder if it feels that long ago to him...............

From the old archives : I Appreciate You.

when i speak before i think,

when i say something i shouldn't have,

when i'm tripping over my own tongue,

when i accidentally interrupt you,

when i have a complete blonde moment,

when i'm having a party-pooper-socially-awkward moment

you still love me. you move past it, help me move past it,

and help me not to dwell in the land of "did i really just say that?"

i appreciate you so much. xo

From the old archives : Grandma

My grandma. I miss her.

I miss her hugs and her grilled cheese.

Her constant supply of pickles.

Her sense of humor.

Her strength.

Her stuffing.

Her way of putting everyone ahead of herself.

Her way of not telling us something until later so she doesn't ruin our fun.

All the times me and my sister and Matt and Erica would stay at her house for the weekend.

All the times when i was little and we'd visit her at work.

Her constant wondering how i keep getting so tall.

Her love of her family and friends.

The look on her face when she was surprised.

The look on her face when us grandkids walked in the door.

The look of gratitude when we did something for her that she couldn't do for herself any more.

Her relationship with my mom.

They way she made grandpa smile.

From the old archives : It Doesn't Mean It Didn't Happen

The people who say the holocaust never happened. annoy me.

just because everyone that lived it, is old and dying doesn't mean it didn't happen.

because there are no witnesses left means it doesn't exist?

generations from now, are they going to say 9/11 never happened?

just because all the people affected aren't alive anymore.

will they build something over ground zero ? and make up a history explaining why it never happened and why we think it did?

just because the witnesses are gone doesn't mean it didn't happen.

From the old archives : Cancer Story.

i heard a man's cancer story at the hairdresser's today.

it made me sad because it reminded me what cancer can do to someone...

and to their family.

the pain, the hair and weight loss, the medication, the chemo, the remission, the medical terms, the constant doctor visits, not being able to do a lot of things you could before, the side effects....

"i have cancer"

he said it quietly and yet... like he'd come to terms with it.

hearing that, it instantly changed my view of him (not in a bad way).

when he walked in, i thought he was your typical old man with back problems (he was walking pretty slow)

as soon as he said that he had cancer, i instantly thought of how well he was doing.

he was walking great. for a cancer patient he was in great shape as far as the eye could tell. i wanted to say something, but i couldn't find any words.

cancer of the blood, he said

taking chemo in the form of pills, he said

the result of mutated genes, he said

it all got started from talking about work, and why he couldn't do work outside anymore.

he said "if i wake up and feel good, it's a good day."

it's so true.

it got me thinking... remembering...

i don't know if i'll ever see him again but i hope he beats the cancer. because it's not fair.

watching the hair fall from the scissors i wondered how long it will be until he looses his hair... and how long it will be until he's able to say he needs a haircut...

(Written a few months ago)

I recently read a post asking what we're afraid of, if same-sex marriage becomes legalized. The post told me to consider the answer i gave and ask myself if i truly believed what i had come up with.

It got me thinking.

I know that not much will change on the outside.

There will always be gay couples (whether gay marriage is legalized or not) and i know they don't go about flaunting it.

I'm not afraid that our cities will be crawling with homosexuals trying to take over the world. (dramatized, i know, but many people are afraid of just that)

I'm not afraid of what what will change because the truth is- almost nothing would change.

It's the principal of the thing that will change.

It's the turning of our backs on God.

This world is already on a straight road to hell as it is, why help it along by legalizing something that so clearly hurts God's heart.

It would be one of those changes no one notices. And if they do, it won't be until years from now when they wonder how we got to where we did.

The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is wrong.

Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." (NIV)

(among other verses scattered throughout the Bible) I must clarify that I DO NOT HATE GAY PEOPLE. I try my best to love them where they're at and not to judge them. (although i am by no means perfect.) I believe that they should be given equal rights but i would not go as far as saying i'm a gay rights supporter, (although i technically am,) because most gay supporters i know, don't think being gay is a sin. They think that homosexual marriage should be legalized and that it should just be a normal thing. They think it's okay. I don't. (For above Biblical reasons) I also should clarify that i don't hate gay rights supporters. There's nothing wrong with treating humans like any other human. In fact, i strongly encourage it. Someone should not be declined a life, a job, etc. solely due to their sexual orientation. We've had (and still struggle with) this issue with skin color, it's sad to see that we haven't learned our lesson by now. But i do draw the line at gay-marriage. I won't fight people on what i believe. I will say what i feel if asked, and i will disagree aloud if i feel called to do so, but i refuse to fight about it because they can't change my mind, and i can't change theirs. "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still."

Sure, i'm still learning about the world around me (including homosexuality) and i'm still developing an opinion to some degree, but i just can't be okay with something that breaks my daddy's heart.

I believe i've gone off on a tangent, because when i feel strongly about something, i tend to go all over the place. If this post makes sense, I hope i've given you something to chew on (whether you agree with me or not,) If it does not make sense, i apologize.

A Rant And A Need For Change.

Man, teenagers today are so fickle.

End of November they look for any excuse to get out of school and the talk of summer vacation starts shortly after Christmas break. But come about halfway through August (and sometimes July) they all go on and on about missing school and "I'm actually looking forward to it" and "I just can't wait".

Now i'm not excluding myself from this because i have been very guilty of it nearly every year when i was in school.

It just amazes me how much we take for granted.

School, as an example. A lot of kids around the world either can't afford school or there simply isn't one around. Kids all over the world are fighting for a chance to go to school and we think of it as torture. Or worse, a social scene specifically designed to make our social lives better and our weekends more exciting.

North American teenagers are truly spoiled.

We take God for granted when you can be tortured and killed for being a Christian in a lot of Eastern countries.

As i said before we take school for granted.

We take books, the internet and learning for granted.

We take clean water, warm beds, a roof over our heads, and just having food in the house for granted.

We take our parents and our health for granted.

We take everything for granted.

We get so angry that someone got our brand new outfit dirty.

A lot of people wear the same thing every day, year after year, because they cannot afford anything more.

We open the cupboard and the fridge, see nothing that appeals to us and say "there's nothing to eat". Our meal is an hour late and we claim we're starving. We stay in the shower for 45 minutes and complain that we ran out of hot water when a lot of people would be so thankful for a cold shower lasting a fraction of that time. Our parents kiss us goodbye and we get angry and embarrassed. They tell us what to do and we get frustrated when so many people out there don't have there parents anymore. We get fat (usually of our own doing) off junk food and then complain that we need to loose weight when little kids in Africa and around the world are literally skin and bones and eat miniscule amounts maybe once a day. We complain about needing braces or glasses when people around the world would just be happy to not be blind or to actually have teeth. We waste hours upon hours watching television and surfing the internet. We complain about not getting invited to parties and cry over the stupidest things imaginable. We strive to have the most friends and the best times. We complain about our lives because the boy we like is sending mixed signals (or doesn't like us back) or one of our friends told everyone we like that guy in that class when millions of people suffer far worse things IN SILENCE. We complain that we are fat when we are of a healthy weight. Many people would LOVE to be that weight. It would mean that they were not malnourished.

We take toothpaste and soap for granted.

We waste hundreds of dollars of food and water each.

We take for granted everything we have.

We ignore God until we need him or until it's "convenient".

We only care about ourselves.

We are spoiled little rich kids who throw fits when we don't get the EXACT toy we want for christmas.

We are spoiled horribly rotten.

I am guilty of this. You are guilty of this. We are all guilty of this.

We must own what we've done, who we've become.

We must change.

I for one am sick of what we have become and try my best not to fall into the same patterns and routines. (Although i am far from perfect and would never even attempt to appear so)

My goal: Don't take anyTHING anyONE any FREEDOM or any SECOND for granted.

And above all, don't take God for granted.

Inspire Me.

My inspiration comes from all kinds of different places.


The Bible.

I get a lot of inspiration by reading through my old journals.

Photographs inspire me.

But not just any photograph.

Ones that tell a story and that look like they mean a lot to whoever took them.

Pictures of memories.

Candid pictures that betray emotions.

Even if they're a crappy little snapshot taken on a cell phone.

My friends inspire me.

Big hearts inspire me.

Seeing that sparkle of life in someone's eyes.

The joy when that someone they really wanted to see walks in the room.

The shimmer of a secret and the unknown giving away of a private thought.

Laughter and a smile that reaches up into someone's eyes.

Worship songs that reach down into you and grab your heart and soul.

Thousands of voices crying out to God at once.

Music that sends a shiver down your spine.

The feeling of freedom.

The feeling of water against your skin.

The feeling of sand between your toes.

The feeling of acceptance.

The feeling of wind through your hair and sunshine in your face.

The overwhelming sense of feeling loved.

These are the things that inspire me.

More Than That.

You don't need a fancy camera to take amazing pictures that inspire people.

Yes, i've seen some amazing things taken with fancy cameras, but i've seen some equally incredible and awe-inspiring pictures that where taken on a dumpy point and shoot as well.

Photography, to me, is telling a story with your pictures.

They have to mean something to you.

Each picture you share must be a part of you.

Your pictures have to reach down into the hearts and imaginations of the person who sees them and trigger something within them.

Photography is more than taking a pretty picture.

The Mystery That Is The Human Race.

Humans make no sense. And yet God loves us anyway. So much so, that he sent his only child, his little boy, his pride and joy, to DIE. And not just die. Die in such a painful and brutal way, even the most cold hearted person would cringe if they heard the story in it's full detail.

Normally, we take it for granted. We walk our little streets, thinking about our little lives, worrying about the littlest things. Everything we have. Everything we are. Is insignificant compared to Him. And yet, He still loves us. It's mind boggling really. Staggering. Stupefying. Shocking. Irrational. Utterly Outrageous.

A mere pathetic thank you is hardly enough.

A book, a song, a sonnet, a speech, every word the human mind can fathom, (in every language) no matter how beautifully scripted or placed.

None are an adequate thank you to the one person who had the ability to save us with his own life knowing most of us would turn away (again)....and did.

A Third Of A Generation- GONE.

1/3 of our generation never made it past the womb.

An entire third of our generation was ABORTED.

I find it mind blowing when people have no problem with abortion.

Just because you don't want the baby, does not give you the right to kill it.

People go on about "it's the mother's right, it's her body".

What about the baby's right? to live.

What about the baby's body? that you're going to inject with poisons.

'The unborn baby has human rights regardless of his mother’s opinion.'

You say it's the mother's choice.

It was the mother's choice in taking the path that landed her pregnant.

Now the only choice she gets is to give the baby up for adoption or raise it herself.

But what if it was rape?

1% of abortions are because of rape.

99% of that one-third of a generation was MURDERED because their mother's didn't want them.

And the babies had no say.

In the case of rape. They decide to kill the innocent one. The only one who had no part in it. Who had no idea what happened.

Some say a baby is not human before it is born.

The Bible says "Then God said, 'Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.' And it was so."

That baby is made of two human cells, it is growing in a human body, being formed to be a fully developed human.

So unless you've found a way to give birth to a kangaroo. That baby is human from the moment it is conceived.

there is no possible way, it could be anything BUT human.

And the guilt. The guilt after you've killed something that was not meant to be killed. It must be far worse than simply giving birth and giving the child up for adoption.

"Consider this: once you go through with it, there’s no turning back. But if you have the kid anyway, you can always turn back." (source: internet.)

People are always complaining about "if i could do this over." or "if i had another chance" or "if i could do it over differently i would."

Would you like to live with knowing that you killed a COMPLETE innocent selfishly and that you can't undo it?

We have to be the voice for those who don't yet have one of their own.

Watch this: