Monday, November 18, 2013

My Aim In This Life Is To Never Be Religious.

The word "religious" leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I hate it. I despise it. 
To an atheist, I suppose that yes I am religious because I am a Christian. They would think the same of a Buddist or Muslim or any other religion. 

When I think of the word religious I think pompous, prideful, holier-than-thou Pharisee types. The type that think they're better than you just because of a title. Or a deed. 

 And I don't want to ever be like that. I don't think ANYONE should be like that- regardless of their beliefs.

A friend once referred to her boyfriend's family as "religious". She simply said "his family is religious but he's not". It struck me as offensive. Not in a personal "I'm offended that you said that" way. And she by no means said it disrespectfully or meant any harm by it. But the word itself left a bitter taste. The word itself I find to be disrespectful to the very idea of Christianity. 
As a Christian, I am called to love and respect and help. 
Associating my faith with the word religion is almost insulting. 
Because the word religion is no longer what it was. Now it is a stereotype. Of hypocrites and liars. 
I wouldn't hold it against someone who didn't know any better and I'm not personally offended by it. But it's like saying the dirty water in a puddle is the same as fresh water from the tap just because it's both water. 

Christianity is a religion. Technically. But it is not meant to be anything near what the word religion means in today's world. 

That being said- my aim in this life is to never be religious. 

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