Wednesday, November 27, 2013

55 Things That Make Me Happy.

-waking up in the middle of the night and seeing that you still have hours to sleep
-long hugs
-unexpected compliments/kind words  
-feeling independent 
-when someone uses your name in a sentence
-making people laugh
-surprise visits
-photographs of memories
-answered prayers
-getting letters in the mail
-waking up on a day you've looked forward to
-new, beautiful scenery 
-clicking with new people
-laughter (yours and other's) 
-being so happy you can't explain it
-new clothes/underclothes 
-holding hands/linking arms with someone you love
-long walks
-seeing your friends after a long time apart 
-feeling appreciated/loved
-holding a baby
-fresh, clean bed sheets 
-having a good laugh with someone you love
-making someone smile
-summer evenings 
-coffee dates with people you love
-going to bed with a smile on your face
-coming home after a long time away
-a hot cup of tea on a cold day
-when someone remembers something small about you (ex: how you take your tea)
-big comfy sweaters
-pajamas/sweaters that aren't yours
-going barefoot
-listening to your favorite music  
-crawling into bed after a long day
-new pajamas 
-making plans with your best friend(s)
-pulling your baggage off the carousel at the airport when you're finally home
-picking up your pet from the kennel 
-new music that instantly becomes your favorite 
-rolling down the windows on a warm summer day
-blasting music in the car
-coming inside from being out in the cold
-new episodes of your favorite tv show(s)
-watching a movie you were really excited for, for the first time 
-getting into the story line in a new book 
-staying up late talking to your best friend(s) 
-feeling like a kid again (ex: playing grounders , tag etc.) 
-photo albums
-birthday cards

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