Wednesday, November 27, 2013

55 Things That Make Me Happy.

-waking up in the middle of the night and seeing that you still have hours to sleep
-long hugs
-unexpected compliments/kind words  
-feeling independent 
-when someone uses your name in a sentence
-making people laugh
-surprise visits
-photographs of memories
-answered prayers
-getting letters in the mail
-waking up on a day you've looked forward to
-new, beautiful scenery 
-clicking with new people
-laughter (yours and other's) 
-being so happy you can't explain it
-new clothes/underclothes 
-holding hands/linking arms with someone you love
-long walks
-seeing your friends after a long time apart 
-feeling appreciated/loved
-holding a baby
-fresh, clean bed sheets 
-having a good laugh with someone you love
-making someone smile
-summer evenings 
-coffee dates with people you love
-going to bed with a smile on your face
-coming home after a long time away
-a hot cup of tea on a cold day
-when someone remembers something small about you (ex: how you take your tea)
-big comfy sweaters
-pajamas/sweaters that aren't yours
-going barefoot
-listening to your favorite music  
-crawling into bed after a long day
-new pajamas 
-making plans with your best friend(s)
-pulling your baggage off the carousel at the airport when you're finally home
-picking up your pet from the kennel 
-new music that instantly becomes your favorite 
-rolling down the windows on a warm summer day
-blasting music in the car
-coming inside from being out in the cold
-new episodes of your favorite tv show(s)
-watching a movie you were really excited for, for the first time 
-getting into the story line in a new book 
-staying up late talking to your best friend(s) 
-feeling like a kid again (ex: playing grounders , tag etc.) 
-photo albums
-birthday cards
You keep pretending you're okay with this, and i'll keep pretending that i don't see that you're not. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Such an ugly heart. Such a tragic waste of a pretty face.

Monday, November 18, 2013

My Aim In This Life Is To Never Be Religious.

The word "religious" leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I hate it. I despise it. 
To an atheist, I suppose that yes I am religious because I am a Christian. They would think the same of a Buddist or Muslim or any other religion. 

When I think of the word religious I think pompous, prideful, holier-than-thou Pharisee types. The type that think they're better than you just because of a title. Or a deed. 

 And I don't want to ever be like that. I don't think ANYONE should be like that- regardless of their beliefs.

A friend once referred to her boyfriend's family as "religious". She simply said "his family is religious but he's not". It struck me as offensive. Not in a personal "I'm offended that you said that" way. And she by no means said it disrespectfully or meant any harm by it. But the word itself left a bitter taste. The word itself I find to be disrespectful to the very idea of Christianity. 
As a Christian, I am called to love and respect and help. 
Associating my faith with the word religion is almost insulting. 
Because the word religion is no longer what it was. Now it is a stereotype. Of hypocrites and liars. 
I wouldn't hold it against someone who didn't know any better and I'm not personally offended by it. But it's like saying the dirty water in a puddle is the same as fresh water from the tap just because it's both water. 

Christianity is a religion. Technically. But it is not meant to be anything near what the word religion means in today's world. 

That being said- my aim in this life is to never be religious. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Are you who the person you're looking for, is looking for?

Everyone is looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right. 

We need to stop trying so hard to find the right person and start focusing on becoming the right person for someone to find. 


Is Prince Charming looking for a girl like you? 
Is your princess looking for a guy like you?

Work on becoming someone else's Mr. or Mrs. Right. 

Because if you're depending on them to save you- they're not looking for a guy or a girl like you. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I've been learning in church this month. And as much as I knew it in the back of my head - it still blew my mind.