Monday, October 7, 2013

Today i'm going to talk about something that i've never really thought about and is a little bit weird to me.

I've never really bothered to think about how many people actually support my photography.

I've never felt like they didn't support me or that i was worthless or no good at it or anything tragic like that- i just never really sat down and thought about how much my family and friends (and even distant relatives and STRANGERS) support me. 
Sure, a bunch of them look at my pictures, and sometimes like or comment. 
I even have a few regulars on my Flickr account that favorite my pictures- and they're total strangers! (aside from Baron and a few others that don't go on as often) 
I never sat down and thought about it until today. 
See, i entered a photography competition a little bit back and voting for it started today. I posted it to my photography page on Facebook and my personal account and was a bit taken aback by the response. Not only did my family share it to their Facebook walls (which was not a surprise) but a a guy i just recently met and a few of my friend's parents shared it too. Even a few of my parent's friends. It just keeps spreading. Not by the hundreds- but by about a dozen or so? 
It's all a bit bizarre to me. I never really thought about it. And i certainly wasn't expecting it. A few votes and my mom sharing it- perhaps. But not this. 
It's a pleasant surprise though.

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