Saturday, July 14, 2012

I often wonder…

Are there people out there that take the time to observe their surroundings?  
Are there people out there that pay as close attention to nature as i usually do?
Do they consciously look at something beautiful before passing by?
I know a lot of people ignore the world around them and find such things as dandelions and clovers a nuisance.
But i often wonder how many people like me are really out there.
People that love dandelions and enjoy sitting in the lawn on lazy afternoons just to watch the life around them.
People that can sit for hours just enjoying the rhythm of the wind through the trees and the odd butterfly flying past.
People that could sit and stare at the waves crashing on the beach forever squishing sand between their toes and watching for small beach creatures. 
Sometimes i wonder how anyone could take something so beautiful as God’s creativity for granted and ignore it.
Sometimes i just wonder…. 

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