Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And now i've gone and done exactly what i didn't want to do. I didn't want to get put in the middle of this. 
You don't really care.
You ask her how she feels and what you can do to fix it for the sole purpose of knowing it's the right thing to say. 
You don't change.
You just know exactly what to say. 
Grow up. 
I can tell when you've been talking to her. Your mood nosedives.

Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
—Kurt Vonnegut

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sometimes i wonder if anything i say gets through to you. 
Like, do you hear what i say? 
Do you actually think about the words? 
Or do you just figure that since you've asked, you've done your job and what my reply is doesn't really matter? 
I'm just trying to help. 
And you asked for my help. Because honestly you're pretty much screwed right now. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

I have a bad feeling about this...
please be careful. 

Sometimes it all comes rushing back.
Sometimes it's the good.
Sometimes it's the bad.
Sometimes it's just a feeling and you can't place the memory.
Sometimes you just sit.
You sit and you wonder.
You wonder if you could have done things differently in the bad situations.
You wish you could re-live the good ones.
Sometimes you just have to sit.
You have to sit.
And remember.

The Mystery That Is The Human Race.

Humans make no sense. And yet God loves us anyway. So much so, that he sent his only child, his little boy, his pride and joy, to DIE. And not just die. Die in such a painful and brutal way, even the most cold hearted person would cringe if they heard the story in it's full detail.
Normally, we take it for granted. We walk our little streets, thinking about our little lives, worrying about the littlest things. Everything we have. Everything we are. Is insignificant compared to Him. And yet, He still loves us. It's mind boggling really. Staggering. Stupefying. Shocking. Irrational. Utterly Outrageous.
A mere pathetic thank you is hardly enough.
A book, a song, a sonnet, a speech, every word the human mind can fathom, (in every language) no matter how beautifully scripted or placed.
None are an adequate thank you to the one person who had the ability to save us with his own life knowing most of us would turn away (again)....and did.


You don't need a fancy camera to take amazing pictures that inspire people.
Yes, i've seen some amazing things taken with fancy cameras.. but i've seen some equally incredible and awe-inspiring pictures that where taken on a dumpy point and shoots as well.

Photography, to me, is telling a story with your pictures.
They have to mean something to you.
Each picture you share must be a part of you.
Your pictures have to reach down into the hearts and imaginations of the person who sees them and trigger something within them.

Photography is more than taking a pretty picture.

Friday, July 20, 2012

“…photography involves an all out effort. You have to be at the top of the ladder for the best angle, not the middle. You don’t do it from the side of the road. You leave the car behind, climb the guardrail, and go out there to get in the middle of whatever you’re looking at. You walk into the village or the farm or the life of those in question. You get off the interstate, and, as Jay Maisel says, you walk—slowly. It’s a credential to life’s events you put around your neck that gets you past the barriers that hem in and corral the others. In return, it demands that you risk things—life, limb, emotions, embarrassment, failure, sometimes all at once. It seeks only the most ardent, passionate of suitors, and even then this fickle art and craft turns veiled eyes and offers the barest wisps of approval and acceptance, and those, only occasionally.”

“I firmly believe that inspiration is best found in things you know and love” – Kale Friesen

Saturday, July 14, 2012

don't throw your childhood away. you have your whole life to be an adult.

My pup was supposed to turn eleven today.

I often wonder…

Are there people out there that take the time to observe their surroundings?  
Are there people out there that pay as close attention to nature as i usually do?
Do they consciously look at something beautiful before passing by?
I know a lot of people ignore the world around them and find such things as dandelions and clovers a nuisance.
But i often wonder how many people like me are really out there.
People that love dandelions and enjoy sitting in the lawn on lazy afternoons just to watch the life around them.
People that can sit for hours just enjoying the rhythm of the wind through the trees and the odd butterfly flying past.
People that could sit and stare at the waves crashing on the beach forever squishing sand between their toes and watching for small beach creatures. 
Sometimes i wonder how anyone could take something so beautiful as God’s creativity for granted and ignore it.
Sometimes i just wonder…. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dear Best Friends,

" I look forward to talking to you all the time, whether it's for five hours or five minutes, it's still my favorite. You brighten up my days when nothing else is going right and you provide me comfort with your presence. You're that someone who doesn't need to make an effort to make me smile. "