Sunday, March 31, 2013

"Why would God call someone into the secular music industry?" 

I was asked this question this weekend and it REALLY got me thinking....

I believe there shouldn't even BE a secular industry, first off.
We are supposed to be doing God's work. 
Why have we let the devil take over every single industry? 
Every single school? 
Every single city? 
Why have we let crooked men and women lead the way for our nation? 
Our generation? 

Our "idols" are crooked politicians, drugged up celebrities, unhealthy models and 
people who sleep around. 

No wonder we're screwed up.  

But as for the question "Why would God call someone into the secular music industry?" , i answer with a few more questions. 

If we can't be "in and not of" the world, saving the world from the inside out, why are we even here? 
Why did Jesus tell us to go into ALL the world? 
Christian ministries and the Christian music industries are not the ones that need our help. 
If we spend our lives singing solely in the Christian industry how are we supposed to reach the ones that really need our help?
You can sing a song about Jesus on a secular station.
It doesn't have to have the word Jesus in it to be about God. 
You don't have to say Jesus' name to stir people to SEARCH for him.
Sure, it's hard, and many will fail. 
But Jesus still calls us. 
He called Judas knowing well in advance that we would betray him. 
He calls us to do OBEY.
He never intended for us to sit on our asses in our little Christian circles and not BRANCH OUT. 
Jesus hung out with those who NEEDED him. 
He came to save us ALL. 
He CALLED us to branch out.  
If all we ever do is stay in our little Christian circles, our little Christian industries, we're not going to get ANYTHING done. 
We're not going to save ANYONE. 
We will have FAILED our Mark 16:15 duty.
Go into ALL the world. 

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