Thursday, February 21, 2013

Extremes In Anger.

I have three extremes.

#1 The "I can't stay mad at you...literally" Side:
There's a few people (quite a few) that I literally CAN'T stay mad at. Even if they hurt me really badly, or make me really angry. No matter how badly I WANT to be angry at them. No matter how hurt me feelings are, I CAN'T stay angry. This extreme I've found is usually a good thing. But every now and then it hurts me. I can't stay mad at someone who is toxic or needs to change their ways for us to remain friends. Most of the time it's good. Occasionally it hurts.

#2 The "I'm so angry that I will stay angry forever no matter what you do to try and remedy the problem" Side:
Basically this is the grudge holding side where certain people (or problems) get so under my skin that I just get so angry and frustrated that I stay that way for a loooong time. No matter what happens , no matter if they try to fix the problem, it's gone on for so long and hurt me so much that I'm simply DONE. Done seeing them, done talking to them. The very mention of their name makes me squirm. Eventually, yes I will get over it. Because I can't literally stay mad forever and it's not healthy to stay angry. And this particular extreme is usually saved for those who repeat offences. No matter what they do to fix it or why they did it in the first place, (hurting people, hurt people right?) or how many apologies they make, they do the same things over and over and once I get past the point of loving them anyway and cutting them slack I reach the point of anger and once I'm past the point of anger, it takes a LOT to pull me back to the almost unconditionally loving person that I usually am.

#3 The "I'm angry, but wait no I'm not" Side:
This is the side where ill be angry, genuinely angry. But three seconds later I've forgiven them because I need to tell them something or show them something or I miss them. This sort of falls under extreme number one, but is basically reserved for my sister, my best friends, and people that are SUPER close to me that I can't go long without talking to and laughing with.

Basically, it takes a LOT to make me angry. So when i finally AM angry, it takes a bit for me to cool off. It takes MORE than a lot to make me STAY angry. And only time will calm me down.

Depending on the person and situation, I either cool off eventually, or sometimes immediately.

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