Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I celebrate Christmas because it's Jesus' birthday. 
Yes, it's not his ACTUAL birthday, but that doesn't mean i can't celebrate. 
We celebrate at birthday parties for our friends when it's not THEIR actual birthday don't we? 

We have a tree because it's pretty. Yes, it has pagan roots, but we don't follow that. 

We give presents because although, yes, Christmas is WAY over commercialized, we like to BLESS one another. 
We like to give presents. 
We like to bless each other AND other people we may or may not know personally that need a little love and a little blessing.

Christmas for me, isn't about the GETTING or Santa or trees. 
Yes, i like to get presents, but i like better to GIVE presents. 
Yes, Santa can be fun to sing about, but we've never believed in him. (Because in my mom's logic, how is she supposed to tell us Santa isn't really real, and then expect us to believe Jesus IS real?) 
and the tree is more about having something beautiful and special in the house that brings nostalgia and happy feelings. 

These are my thoughts on Christmas. 
I don't mind if you don't agree with me. 
Some don't celebrate and don't mind that i do , and some don't celebrate and do mind that i do. 
But all in all, don't try to change my mind or make me feel guilty for celebrating the birth of my savior in the way that *I* choose. 

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