Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
    be pleasing in your sight,
    Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Help them if you can,
if they want it.
But be careful,
your heart matters too. 
To break for one who has no desire to change will only shatter YOU, in so many ways.

<3 p="p">

In five years, what will you wish you had done?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

You're allowing yourself to be hurt. It's not hurting them at all. Please, do yourself some good and forgive , forget, move on. I don't like seeing you like that.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

" And I know it's been
Such a long time
Since we've just been friends
And not soldiers on
The front line of a war
That we were born into
But we've got to do this together
Don't leave me "

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Once you start living like every single word you say, has some sort affect on your life, you'll notice a change.

Speaking life opens the door to good things.
In the same way, speaking death opens the door to bad things.
Not necessarily physical death, depending on the circumstance, but let me elaborate.

 The angels and demons are watching, they're waiting for you to speak so they can act, they are POWERLESS without your words.

If you say things like "i'm gonna die, there's just so much homework" or "this meal is so unhealthy i'm going to die" or "i died laughing" you're speaking it out into the air. It can affect the longevity of your life, or even the QUALITY of your life. If you feel yourself getting sick, and you start talking about how sick you are, of course you're going to get sick. It may even get worse than it would have originally. However, if you speak AGAINST sickness (and of course, do everything naturally possible to fight it, like taking vitamins and medicine) you could totally get better! Even if you don't get better, it may not be as bad.
Now whether or not you get better is up to your FAITH, because it's all on you to trust God to heal you.

If your family has a history of heart problems or cancer , and you talk on and on about how you hope you won't get cancer, you hope you won't have a heart attack or stroke, or say things like "well my family has a history of strokes so i'm done for anyway" , you're giving terrible things the glory, of course your chances of cancer or heart problems are going to SKYROCKET. Give GOD the glory, and he can help you.

You've got to speak LIFE. REFUSE to take it. The doctor says you have six months to live? SAY DIFFERENTLY.
God's will is not for us to be sick or die young.
Even the fact that we will all die eventually was not God's original plan. He planned for us to live forever together in the garden of Eden.

If you find this hard to follow or you're skeptical. Think for a moment.
If i were to be wrong, what possible harm could come of speaking positively?
And if i'm right (which i believe i am) do you really want to be caught speaking death over yourself and others?

The angels, the demons, they ONLY act on your WORDS. They're powerless otherwise.
And God, he gave us free will. He KNEW we'd abuse it he knew we'd make mistakes but he gave us free will because he loves us. If you speak death over yourself, there's nothing he can do unless you ASK him for it. He'd be breaking his own rule if he swooped in and saved us everytime we say the wrong thing. We have to ASK for it. We have to ACT in FAITH. We have to live every second of every day like whatever we say can and will come to be.

Life will get better when you speak good things.
Life will get harder if you speak bad things.

It's a simple concept that so many people seem to struggle with. The gospel, and God's will, is SIMPLE. We're the ones that complicate it by questioning it and questioning our worthiness.
And i am by no means perfect, but i am AWARE. If i say something bad, i can rebuke it right away. And if i'm believing for something, i can SPEAK it into the air and, through faith, great things CAN and WILL happen.

Don't question. Just have faith.
Read the Bible, and TRUST your heavenly father who only wants His HIGHEST and BEST for you.

You are a PRINCE or a PRINCESS. You are the rightful son or daughter of GOD. Who made EVERYTHING. He's in control of EVERYTHING. And he CHOSE YOU. He LOVES YOU. No matter how badly you've screwed up or how many times you've spat in his face. HE LOVES YOU AND WILL TAKE YOU BACK IN A HEARTBEAT. (Just like the father in the parable of the prodigal son. Luke 15:11-32)

Speak like it. Act like it. We're here for a reason and we should be living a full God-filled life while we're here. He wants only the best for us. We are his PRIZED possessions. No matter how messed up and disgusting and sin-filled we can be sometimes.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Part Two.

Please just call it Christmas.
It's not "happy holidays".
It's Christmas.
Personally, i don't care if you're offended that i say Merry Christmas.
You don't say "happy holidays" for those who don't celebrate Halloween.
Its Christmas. I shall call it Christmas.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I celebrate Christmas because it's Jesus' birthday. 
Yes, it's not his ACTUAL birthday, but that doesn't mean i can't celebrate. 
We celebrate at birthday parties for our friends when it's not THEIR actual birthday don't we? 

We have a tree because it's pretty. Yes, it has pagan roots, but we don't follow that. 

We give presents because although, yes, Christmas is WAY over commercialized, we like to BLESS one another. 
We like to give presents. 
We like to bless each other AND other people we may or may not know personally that need a little love and a little blessing.

Christmas for me, isn't about the GETTING or Santa or trees. 
Yes, i like to get presents, but i like better to GIVE presents. 
Yes, Santa can be fun to sing about, but we've never believed in him. (Because in my mom's logic, how is she supposed to tell us Santa isn't really real, and then expect us to believe Jesus IS real?) 
and the tree is more about having something beautiful and special in the house that brings nostalgia and happy feelings. 

These are my thoughts on Christmas. 
I don't mind if you don't agree with me. 
Some don't celebrate and don't mind that i do , and some don't celebrate and do mind that i do. 
But all in all, don't try to change my mind or make me feel guilty for celebrating the birth of my savior in the way that *I* choose. 
Screw it. I'm not risking all that for you to throw another hissy fit.

Monday, December 3, 2012

I would feel guilty for feeling so disturbingly apathetic if i weren't so disturbingly apathetic.