Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Nothing Is More Powerful Than An Idea Whose Time Has Come.

So there's been a LOT of buzz all over the internet about this Joseph Kony fellow over the past few days.

Facebook , Youtube, Tumblr, Blogs and more have exploded with media about stopping Kony and making him famous "not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice."

People from all over the world in staggering numbers are getting involved in this campaign. The half hour video from Invisible Children ( I highly encourage you watch it. You were going to spend that half an hour online anyway so spend it doing something that matters.)

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578,573 likes, 13,348 dislikes and 7,377,102 views

It's getting around.

People are taking notice. People are taking a stand.

So after all the buzz, i watched the video.

And after watching it, i can honestly say, this is going to explode.

Not only has the MEDIA begun to catch on, but people are getting involved on the streets as well. A couple of friends of mine are planning on joining the all nighter to put up (more like blanket the cities) posters about stopping Kony along with many others (hundreds of thousands at LEAST).

No matter what happens. I believe this will not be ABLE to be ignored. People can try all they like but Invisible Children and everyone getting involved are going MAKE SURE they are heard, and something is DONE. Governments and celebrities are getting involved.

Its spreading. Things will change.

All they need is a single voice saying "I will help you." to start a wave of support, opposition, and CHANGE

We must spread this and GET THIS DONE.

If it's gotten this big in just the TWO DAYS that the video has been up, imagine what we can do.

2012 people. We can do this.

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