Friday, April 10, 2015

It’s your 20th birthday today. 
I hope it’s a good day for you. 
The warm fuzzy feelings have been gone for a long time now but i still want you to be happy. I want good things for you. 
It feels like centuries but perhaps that’s for the best. Time heals all wounds right? 
I hope someone makes you laugh today. 
Home happens when someone looks past our ugly and into our beautiful. Home happens when we make a disaster of things and no one flinches. Home happens when someone cares for us enough to make us feel rare instead of strange. Home happens when we can be inconvenient and still have a place to belong. Home happens when someone names the good things we are. Home happens in bedtime routines and family rituals, in the embrace of a friend or the arms of a lover, and when two strangers honor the humanity in each other. Home happens at the end, when our bodies are failing us but the love surrounding doesn’t.
Home can happen when we learn how to love who we are.
- Dr. Kelly Flanagan "Home is Where the Grace Is"