Sunday, April 14, 2013

"No, that will never happen."
What just happened?
I *hate* how it is now and want to be done, but a part of me is still holding onto what it was in hopes that things can be normal again. Even if they're not the same.
Imagine this;
You're in the middle of the ocean all alone, treading water. You start loosing strength. Right before you give up and go under, a boat pulls up and throws you a lifeline. Do you argue that there's a better way onto the boat and that a single rope is too exclusive? Of course not! If you were told that that rope is the only way onto the boat, you wouldn't question it.

That is Christianity.
God isn't exclusive because he wants to make our lives hard or for the sake of being exclusive. He's exclusive because his son really is the only way to heaven.
Anyone's free to take it.
Don't argue that there's other ways or that one way is too exclusive, just take the lifeline.

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' " John 14:6 

Monday, April 8, 2013

You're not actually free, you've merely chosen a different cage.

Monday, April 1, 2013

So Jesus could DIE, RISE from the dead, and you're trying to put him in a box? How on earth does that make sense?
Anything and everything can and will happen. We just have to be open to ANYTHING he chooses to do. He'll teach us the difference between right and wrong. All we need to do is TRUST our Father.